How Does the hCG Diet Work?

hCG Diet Rancho Mirage, CAMen and women of a certain age – especially women – struggle with weight maintenance. This isn’t necessarily due to overeating but to natural biochemical changes in metabolism that reduce the body’s ability to turn fat into fuel. In our Rancho Mirage office, patients can kick start their weight management with the proven hCG diet.

The hCG diet protocol has been in use for several decades. Doctors and their patients have understood something very important, that the diet works. The question surrounding this protocol was also very important: how does it work? Recent research has given us insight.

  • Part of the hCG diet is substantial calorie restriction for a short period. Studies suggest that, when hCG is present in the blood, the appetite is naturally diminished. This enables patients to tolerate restricted calories for the 23-day diet.
  • Studies also indicate that hCG facilitates the balanced production of other important hormones that are a part of weight regulation.
  • The elevation of hCG in the body creates a state of muscle-building versus muscle breakdown. The more muscle that is preserved and built, the more fat is burned at rest.

Benefits of an hCG Diet

Because hCG is a metabolic-regulating hormone, the completion of a short, controlled program can establish long-term benefits. The combination of hCG hormone and low-calorie diet stimulates fat-burning for fast, noticeable weight loss. But that is only the beginning. The hCG diet is not a once-and-done program. The intent is to jump-start weight loss so ongoing maintenance is an easier task. The journey toward health and wellness is facilitated by diet-plan benefits such as:

  • Sustained energy levels.
  • Significantly decreased cravings.
  • No sensations of hunger.
  • Establish better blood sugar stability.
  • Muscle preservation during substantial weight loss.
  • Metabolic function enhancement.
  • Better hormone balance for women.
  • Introduction to better eating habits.

Due to the results that are possible with a regulated hCG diet, it has become possible to find unsupervised products, including hCG drops. Adults who are interested in accelerated weight loss that is safe and effective for long-term gain, um, or sustained results, are encouraged to obtain the hCG diet protocol from a supervising physician. hCG is a hormone and, as such, can incite side effects if not used appropriately. Additionally, supervision and support are vital to reaching your desired objective.

Learn more about the hCG diet from your Rancho Mirage physician, Dr. Maria Lombardo. Call 760-610-8990.

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